Table of Contents
Volume 15 Number 3 (Fall)
Ocean Exploration: Launch into the Deep
- Editorial Board
- On the Cover
- Publishing Schedule and Advertiser Index
- Guest Editor's Note from Thomas McKeever
- Soundings with Daniel Carlson
- Development of a Decision Support Tool to Aid Iceberg Management Operations
- Jonathon Bruce, C-CORE
- Tony King, C-CORE
- Freeman Ralph, C-CORE
- Searching for the Bonhomme Richard
- Melissa Ryan, Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration
- Daniel Rogers, Consortium for Ocean Leadership
- Bringing the Ocean into Classrooms - Supplementing Education with ROV Technology
- Hil Hamilton, SuperNOVA
- Alexandra Fenton, SuperNOVA
- Alaska's Last Frontier - Launching a New Era of Marine Stewardship
- Sean Burril, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
- Lorena Edenfield, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
- Jennafer Foreman, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
- Jeleena Almario, U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
- Megan Carr, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
- Catherine Coon, U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
- James Kendall, Jr., Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
- Usage of UAVs for Surveying and Monitoring Icebergs
- Rob Briggs, C-CORE
- Carl Thibault, MakeTech Aerospace
- Laurent Mingo, Blue Systems Integration
- Tony King, C-CORE
- Improving Nearshore and Coastal Mapping
- Richard Goosen, Fugro
- Resolution and Coverage - The Best of Both Worlds in the BioCam 3D Visual Mapping Project
- Geraint West, Sonardyne
- Adrian Bodenmann, University of Southampton
- Darryl Newborough, Sonardyne
- Blair Thornton, University of Southampton
- The Explorer Model - Lessons from 10 Years of Community-led Ocean Exploration and Open Data
- Kasey Cantwell, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Brian Kennedy, Boston University
- Mashkoor Malik, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Kelley Suhre, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Rachel Medley, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Elizabeth Lobecker, NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research
- Shannon Hoy, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Caitlin Adams, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Matt Dornback, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Megan Cromwell, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Monitoring the Deep for Oil Exploration and Production Projects - Seabed Surveys in the N.L. Offshore
- Lara Miles, Wood
- Kyle Millar, Wood
- Todd Ralph, Fugro
- Thomas McKeever, Equinor Canada
- Justin So, Wood plc
- Assessing Hydrocarbon Presence in the Waters of the Port au Port Bay, N.L., for AUV Oil Spill Delineation Tests
- Jimin Hwang, Australian Maritime College
- Neil Bose, Memorial University
- Brian Robinson, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Hung Nguyen, Australian Maritime College
- Measuring Acceleration and Short-Lived Motion in Landfast Sea-Ice
- Mark Johnson, University of Alaska
- Andy Mahoney, University of Alaska
- Andy Sybrandy, Pacific Gyre Inc.
- Glen Montgomery, Pacific Gyre Inc.
- Lodestar ... Nigel Hussey, Poppy Keogh
- Technicalities ... Exploring the Labrador Sea with Autonomous Vehicles
- Brad deYoung, Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Eleanor Frajka-Williams, National Oceanography Centre
- Nicolai von Oppeln-Bronikowski, Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Stephen Woodward, National Oceanography Centre
- A Machine Learning Redundancy Model for the Herring Cove Smart Buoy
- Jesuseyi Will Fasuyi, DeepSense
- Jason Newport, DeepSense
- Chris Whidden, DeepSense
- Q&A with Molly Curran
- Trade Winds ... ALSvision
- Sanat Upadhyay, Lolaark LLC
- Manos Papadakis, University of Houston
- Inside Out ... Lost Black Boxes, Autonomous Vehicles, and Hydrophones
- Emma Carline, Ocean Sonics
- Turnings ... Robot Revolution - Autonomous Survey Platforms are Accelerating Global Seafloor Mapping and Increasing Hydrospatial Awareness
- Sean Mullan, Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University
- Denis Hains, H2i
- Costas Armenakis, York University
- Guillaume Labbe-Morisette, CIDCO - Development Center for Ocean Mapping
- Lollygagging
- Reverberations ... Embedded Deep Learning for Underwater Acoustics
- Fabio Frazao, MERIDIAN
- Oliver Kirsebom, MERIDIAN
- Bruno Padovese, MERIDIAN
- Stan Matwin, MERIDIAN
- Homeward Bound ... The Future of Telepresence - Low Earth Orbit Communications Satellites, Cloud Computing, and Ocean Exploration
- Brian Kennedy, Boston University
- David McKinnie, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- James Rawsthorne, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Parting Notes ... Mary Edna Fraser