Table of Contents
Volume 8 Number 3 (Fall)
Ocean Monitoring [2013]
- Editorial Board
- On the Cover
- From the Guest Editor
- Laurent Bellavance, Technopole maritime du Québec
- Soundings
- Serge Demers, Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski
- Advertising and Publishing Schedule
- Observing and understanding Canada's future oceans
- Kate Moran, Ocean Networks Canada
- Linked data: an oceanographic perspective
- Adam Leadbetter, British Oceanographic Data Centre
- Robert Arko, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
- Cynthia Chandler, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Adam Shepherd, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Roy Lowry, British Oceanographic Data Centre
- The use of oceanographic buoys for risk management of tsunamis in the Indian Ocean
- Vassen Kauppaymuthoo, Delphinium Limited
- SmartBay: applied ocean technology for ocean monitoring
- Bill Carter, Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University
- Randy Gillespie, Centre for Applied Ocean Technology
- Canadian earth observation support for operational ocean monitoring
- Guy Aube, Centre d'Applications et Recherches en Teledetection
- From the Technical Editor
- David Molyneux, Oceanic Consulting Corporation
- Satellite communication systems for ocean observational platforms: societal importance and challenges
- R. Venkatesan, Indian National Institute of Technology
- M. Arul Muthiah, Indian National Institute of Technology
- K. Ramesh, Indian National Institute of Technology
- S. Ramasundaram, Indian National Institute of Technology
- R. Sundar, Indian National Institute of Technology
- M.A. Atmanand, Indian National Institute of Technology
- Event-centric information management for marine district governance
- Jim Wyse, Maridia Research Associates
- Q&A with Zdenka Willis
- Trade Winds
- Rutter
- Turnings
- Reverberations ... Operational Oceanography
- Cedric Chavanne, Universite du Quebec a Rimouski
- Lollygagging