Table of Contents
Volume 3 Number 3 (Fall)
An Eye on Posedion - Ocean Observing Systems [2008]
- Table of Contents
- A Glimpse of the Future Web: Forecasting Storm Damageon the Maine Coast
- Philip Bogden, Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System
- NEPTUNE Canada
- Dr. Chris Barnes, NEPTUNE Canada
- Mairi Best, NEPTUNE Canada
- Fern Johnson, NEPTUNE Canada
- Peter Phibbs, NEPTUNE Canada
- Benoît Pirenne, Ocean Networks Canada
- Filling the Gaps in GOOS
- Keith Alverson
- A Coastal Ocean Prediction System for Tampa Bay, Florida
- Mark E. Luther, University of South Florida College of Marine Sciences
- SmartBay: Moving from Demonstration Project toInformation Service
- Bill Carter, Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University
- Maximizing the Value of Ocean Sensors
- Mark Reichardt, Open Geospatial Consortium
- Pooling Our Earth Observation Resources
- José Achache, Group on Earth Observations
- Mobile Offshore Base - Analysis of a Multi-Connected Semisubmersible Structure
- Subrata K. Chakrabarti, Offshore Structure Analysis, Inc.
- Focus on ... Ocean Observing Systems
- Advertisers Index & Publishing Schedule