Table of Contents
Volume 12 Number 4 (Winter)
Mapping the Deep [2017]
- Editorial Board
- On the Cover
- Guest Editor's Note - Randy Gillespie
- Soundings with Stephen Locke
- The GO-SHIP A02 Survey 2017: Taking the Pulse and Temperature of the North Atlantic Ocean
- Evin McGovern, Irish Marine Institute
- Caroline Cusack, Irish Marine Institute
- Douglas Wallace, MEOPAR
- Peter Croot, National University of Ireland
- A Sideways Perspective on Deep-sea Vertical Habitats
- Katleen Robert, Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University
- Veerle Huvenne, National Oceanography Centre
- Sunken History of Grand Lake
- Michaela Barnes
- Nick Graham
- Calvin Gregory
- Anthony Randell
- Whymarrh Whitby
- Identifying Deep-Sea Target Areas for a Pilot Atlantic Seabed Mapping Project using GIS Techniques
- Anne-Cathrin Wolfl, GEOMAR Helmoltz Centre for Ocean Research
- Jennifer Jencks, NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
- Gordon Johnston, Venture Geomatics Limited
- Jesse Varner, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
- Colin Devey, GEOMAR Helmoltz Centre for Ocean Research
- Lodestar ... David Wise, Jennifer Jencks, Sarah Porter, Kirk Regular
- Energy Efficient Ship Voyage Planning by 3D Dynamic Programming
- Raphael Zaccone, University of Genoa
- Massimo Figari, University of Genoa
- Q&A with Larry Mayer
- Trade Winds
- Rutter
- Inside Out ... Mapping the Other 90%: Use of Deep Water Mapping Technology in the Canadian Arctic
- Nick Burchill, Kongsberg Maritime
- Turnings
- Lollygagging
- Reverberations ... A Chronological Account to Modern Mapping of Earth's Oceans
- Maria Judge, Geological Survey Ireland
- Homeward Bound ... Launch Forth into the Deep
- Paul Brett, Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University
- Special Feature ... 2017 MATE International ROV Competition Poster Winners