Table of Contents
Volume 14 Number 3 (Fall)
Sharing the Oceans: Marine Life and Anthropogenic Sound [2019]
- Editorial Board
- On the Cover
- Publishing Schedule
- Guest Editor's Note - Michelle Sanders
- Soundings with Abby Schwarz
- Best Available Technology and Best Environmental Practice for Three Noise Sources: Shipping, Seismic Airgun Surveys, and Pile Driving
- Lindy Weilgart, Dalhousie University
- Sounds Generated by Marine Mammals and Impacts of Different Types of Underwater Noise
- Serdar Beji, Istanbul Technical University
- Next not Best Practices: Transboundary Collaboration between Ferry Services Addressing Species at Risk
- Kevin Bartoy, Washington State Ferries
- Leslie James, BC Ferries
- Greg Peterson, BC Ferries
- Mitigating and Predicting Underwater Noise from Ships
- Andrew Kendrick, Vard Marine Inc.
- Regulation Consideration of Ocean Mapping Multibeam Echo Sounders
- Hilary Kates Varghese, University of New Hampshire
- Michael Smith, University of New Hampshire
- Jennifer Miksis-Olds, University of New Hampshire
- Larry Mayer, University of New Hampshire
- Thermal Imaging to Protect Endangered Marine Mammal Species Day and Night
- Colin Gauthier-Barrette, Merinov
- Maude Sirois, Merinov
- Jerome Laurent, Merinov
- Chloe Martineau, Universite de Sherbrooke
- Design of Quiet Ships
- Kai Abrahamsen, DNV GL
- Impact of Dispersion Coefficient on Cross-Correlation Based Population Estimation Technique of Fish
- Shaik Asif Hossain, Khulna University of Engineering and Technology
- Monir Hossen, Khulna University of Engineering and Technology
- Lodestar ... Seyedvahid Vakili, Regina Guazzo, Xavier Mouy, Sherrylynn Rowe
- Gray Whale Calling Response to Altered Soundscapes Driven by Whale Watching Activities in a Foraging Area
- Rianna Burnham, University of Victoria
- David Duffus, University of Victoria
- Systematic Source Level Measurements of Whale Watching Vessels and Other Small Boats
- Jennifer Wladichuk, JASCO Applied Sciences Ltd.
- David Hannay, JASCO Applied Sciences Ltd.
- Alexander MacGillivray, JASCO Applied Sciences Ltd.
- Zizheng Li, JASCO Applied Sciences Ltd.
- Sheila Thornton, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Q&A with Sara Iverson
- Trade Winds
- Inside Out ... Reducing the Impacts of Shipping on the St. Lawrence Estuary Beluga Population
- Clement Chion, Universite du Quebec en Outaouais
- Dominic Lagrois, Universite du Quebec en Outaouais
- Angelique Dupuch, Universite du Quebec en Outaouais
- Tyler Bonnell, University of Lethbridge
- Robert Michaud, Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals
- Turnings ... Sonics from Our Ocean's Edge
- Teresa Connors, Memorial University
- Lollygagging
- Perspective
- Reverberations ... Towards Versatile and Adaptive Detection Algorithms in Underwater Acoustics
- Oliver Kirsebom, MERIDIAN
- Fabio Frazao, MERIDIAN
- Ines Hessler, MERIDIAN
- Stan Matwin, MERIDIAN
- Homeward Bound ... Pile Driving Noise Reduction Approaches
- Mark Wochner, AdBm Technologies
- Parting Notes ... Lisa B. Sells