Table of Contents
Volume 15 Number 1 (Spring)
Better Ocean Understanding [2020]
- Editorial Board
- On the Cover
- Publishing and Advertising Schedule
- Editor's Note
- A Global Ocean Vision for the Decade
- Paula Keener, Global Ocean Visions
- For a Better Understanding: Modelling for Decision Making in Alaska
- Caryn H. Smith, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
- Heather Crowley, U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
- Chase A. Stoudt, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
- James Kendall, Jr., Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
- Technological Solutions to Marine Plastic Litter
- Keith Alverson
- Hikaru Shirai, International Environmental Technology Centre
- Sharing our Stories to Co-create a National Ocean Literacy Strategy
- Lisa (Diz) Glithero, Canadian Ocean Literacy Coalition
- Sarah MacNeil, Canadian Ocean Literacy Coalition
- Sherry Scully, Centre for Ocean Ventures and Entrepreneurship
- Janet Stalker, Ocean School
- Digitalization of the Food Supply Chain - An Opportunity for the Fisheries Industry
- Christian Coronado-Mondragon, Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University
- Modelling Cumulative Sound Exposure around Hydroacoustic Sources
- Max Schuster, DW-ShipConsult GmbH
- Matthias Fischer, DW-ShipConsult GmbH
- Mirjam Muller, UBA, German Environment Agency
- Dietrich Wittekind, DW-ShipConsult GmbH
- Technicalities ... A Cloud Optimized Method for Processing Bathymetric Data
- Daniel Wright, Sounding Science
- Charles Wright, National Board of Medical Examiners
- Susceptibility of Different Materials and Antifouling Coating to Macrofouling Organisms in a High-Wave Energy Environment
- Sergio A. Navarrete, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
- Mirtala Parrague, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
- Nicole Osiadacz, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
- Francisca Rojas, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
- Jessica Bonicelli, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
- Miriam Fernandez, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
- Clara Arboleda-Baena, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
- Randy Finke, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
- Simone Baldanzi, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
- Lodestar ... Shreya Nemani, Connor Mackie, Heather Carnahan
- Unsupervised Extraction of Underwater Regions of Interest in Side Scan Sonar Imagery
- Guillaume Labbe-Morisette, CIDCO - Development Center for Ocean Mapping
- Sylvain Gauthier, CIDCO - Development Center for Ocean Mapping
- Q&A with Katleen Robert
- Trade Winds
- Perspective
- Inside Out ... All-New, All-Electric eLARS
- Klaus Brix, MacArtney
- Lollygagging
- Turnings
- Reverberations ... New Techniques in Applying Additive Manufacturing to Deep-sea Ocean Exploration
- Brennan Phillips, University of Rhode Island
- Homeward Bound ... Ocean Away - The Landlocked Science Teacher and Ocean Engagement
- Trina Allinotte, Waterloo Region District School Board
- Parting Notes ... Tina Lawlor